If you’re anything like me, the weight of what’s happening in the world right now feels heavier and scarier than ever. The constant cycle of news, the uncertainty, and the anxiety—it’s enough to make anyone spiral. I’m right there with you, feeling it all and figuring out how to work through it in real time. I mean, two weeks ago I sat down and asked ChatGPT to make an entire list of what I’d need to do to prepare for this new administration. (Yes, really.)
But here’s what I’ve learned: while we can’t control the world, we can find ways to steady ourselves in it.
1. Acknowledge Your Feelings (Without Judgment)
First things first: it’s okay to feel what you feel. Anxiety, anger, sadness, helplessness—these emotions are VALID. The key is not to push them away or judge yourself for having them. Instead, take a moment to name them. This simple act of awareness can start to ease their grip and let you move through them.
2. Ground Yourself in the Present
When the world feels like it’s spinning out of control, grounding yourself in the present moment can be a lifesaver. Whether it’s taking some deep breaths, walking your dog (Annie always knows when I need this), or simply noticing the sensations in your body—these small moments can help bring you back to center.
3. Avoid Outrage Bait
Here’s the hard truth: not every fight on the internet is worth your time or energy. Outrage bait—the headlines, tweets, or posts designed to enrage you—feeds off your attention and drains your emotional reserves. Instead of reacting to every provocation, ask yourself, “Does engaging in this help me move closer to the world I want to live in?” Save your energy for the battles that matter and for the causes you’re passionate about.
4. Make Space for Creativity
Something I learned through all the art history classes I took in college was that some of our planet’s most incredible works were created when the world was in chaos. Whether it’s painting, writing, dancing, or even gardening, creating something with your hands or heart is a powerful way to process emotions and reconnect with yourself and the world. And a reminder that it doesn’t have to be perfect-just play.
5. Limit Your Media Consumption
It’s tempting to stay glued to the news and social feeds, but the 24/7 cycle can be emotionally draining. Set boundaries for yourself: maybe it’s checking the news and socials only once a day or turning off notifications. Personally, I deleted all of the apps from my phone so I’m not reflexively checking. Remember, staying informed doesn’t mean sacrificing your mental health.
6. Focus on What You Can Control
One of the most powerful ways to combat helplessness is to take action—no matter how small. Whether it’s volunteering, donating, or simply being kind to the people around you, these actions remind us that we do have the power to create positive change, even in difficult times. For me, it was following the above mentioned prep list which included a lot of things I should have done anyway like emergency preparedness and online security.
7. Build in Moments of Joy
In tough times, joy can feel frivolous, but it’s anything but. Joy is resistance. It’s a way to recharge and keep going, a reminder that life is still worth savoring, even in the hardest moments. Maybe that looks like dancing to a playlist that pumps you up, watching a tv show or movie that makes you laugh, or planning a fun outing to look forward to. Joy doesn’t have to be grand to matter—it’s the small, intentional moments that can carry us through. When we prioritize joy, we’re not ignoring the hard stuff; we’re building up the energy to face it.
8. Create Real-Life Moments
In a world that constantly pulls us online, sometimes the best way to ground yourself is to unplug and reconnect with the physical world. Spend time outside—whether it’s standing barefoot in the grass, sitting by a lake, or simply taking a walk around your neighborhood. Or plan an ‘Analog Afternoon’ where you read a physical book and put on a record and let yourself actually listen to an album from start to finish. These little, intentional moments in real life can help you feel more present and remind you there’s a whole world out there to connect with.
9. Find Your Support System
You don’t have to (and shouldn’t) do this alone. Whether it’s leaning on friends, joining a community, or working with a coach (like me), having people to connect with who understand what you’re going through can make all the difference. Struggling to find your people? Here’s some ideas!
10. Give Yourself Permission to Rest
Finally, remember: rest isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. In a world that constantly demands more, choosing to rest is an act of courage. In fact, Tricia Hersey wrote a whole book about it that I highly recommend, called “Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto.” Take the nap, turn off the phone, and let yourself be.
Let’s face it, we’re going to feel overwhelmed by what’s happening in the world today. But it’s also possible to find peace and purpose amidst it all. Start small. Be gentle with yourself. Carve out time for joy and creativity, protect your energy, and channel it into fighting for what you believe in. Even in the hardest times, there’s always a way forward.

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